Sensibilidad al gluten y síndrome de intestino irritable

Frente al mensaje de «el gluten solo es un problema para los celíacos», lo cierto es que siguen publicándose estudios que dicen lo contrario.

Uno publicado recientemente: «Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Has Narrowed the Spectrum of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial«:

  • Pacientes a los que se les acaba de diagnosticar Síndrome de Intestino Irritable. Se descarta celiaquía. Se descarta alergia al trigo.
  • 72 participantes. A la mitad se le da unos polvos que tienen gluten, mientras que la otra mitad consume polvos sin gluten, es decir, placebo.

Un 84% de los participantes que consumieron el placebo manifestaron una mejoría sintomática, frente a un 26% de los que consumieron polvos con gluten.

Overall, the symptomatic improvement was statistically different in the gluten-containing group compared with placebo group in 9 (25.7%), and 31 (83.8%) patients respectively

No tienen celiaquía, ni tienen alergia al trigo, pero a esas personas el gluten no les sienta bien.

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  1. Vicente


    El título ya lo dice todo: «Bread and Other Edible Agents of Mental Disease«, con una sección que se llama «Bread and Other Drugs».

    El abstract:

    Perhaps because gastroenterology, immunology, toxicology, and the nutrition and agricultural sciences are outside of their competence and responsibility, psychologists and psychiatrists typically fail to appreciate the impact that food can have on their patients’ condition. Here we attempt to help correct this situation by reviewing, in non-technical, plain English, how cereal grains-the world’s most abundant food source-can affect human behavior and mental health. We present the implications for the psychological sciences of the findings that, in all of us, bread (1) makes the gut more permeable and can thus encourage the migration of food particles to sites where they are not expected, prompting the immune system to attack both these particles and brain-relevant substances that resemble them, and (2) releases opioid-like compounds, capable of causing mental derangement if they make it to the brain. A grain-free diet, although difficult to maintain (especially for those that need it the most), could improve the mental health of many and be a complete cure for others.

  2. Vicente

    Even if you do not have an inflammatory or autoimmune disease, eating gluten can still be harmful to your health, as it has been linked with more than 55 diseases.

    El consumo de gluten se ha relacionado con más de 55 enfermedades… pero los súperexpertos súperprofesionales de la nutrición nos dicen que evitar el gluten es inventarte que eres celíaco, que decirle a la gente que evite el gluten es imprudente, que la harina integral es comida de verdad (real food) o que hay que consumir 250 g de pan al día.

    No hay alimentos imprescindibles en la dieta, salvo la harina.

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